Sunday, February 15, 2015

Earn 100$/ 200$/ 500$/ 1000$ per month FREE forever

Anuntiomatic works with the publication of Bulletin Boards ranked ads.
You can get you money every month , just for these ads .

For each published ad Anuntiomatic gives you 0.72 Credit , and when you get to 10,000

Credits, Anuntiomatic paid from 1 to 5 of each month.

sign up here

How to Post ?
1. When you enter your ” BackOffice ” or “Virtual Office” have to go to Pre-Redactados ads .
2. Once there, you’ll have to put a small captcha, and put “Publicar Anuncio”
3. Then, you will give you a link you have to click .
4. Open in another window advertisement with 60 seconds countdown should stop running.
5Once the 60 seconds run out, you validate your Credit with the link you will .

                                    Profit: Payments

Profit: Payments

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